MARKUS T マルクスティー
M1 067 - black/black
This is manufactured from brand's own resin and hi-grade titanium with such high-purity as for medical use. Manufactured with patented techniques prevent peel off of plating, fading and decolorization and permit long-term use. This German born brand balances sophisticated design and functionality on the basis of high technical skill, which is highly evaluated on an international level to being grand-prix winner.
The range of curves in upper front keep calmness but the black color make facial expression slender. These short lenses matches with formal outfit.
This is for timless and versatile use.
1 レンズ幅 | 55mm |
2 ブリッジ幅 | 16mm |
3 レンズの高さ | 34mm |
4 フロント最大幅 | 136mm |
5 テンプルの長さ | 150mm |