MARKUS T マルクスティー
M3 347 - black/silver
This is manufactured from brand's own resin and hi-grade titanium with such high-purity as for medical use. Manufactured with patented techniques prevent peel off of plating, fading and decolorization and permit long-term use. This German born brand balances sophisticated design and functionality on the basis of high technical skill, which is highly evaluated on an international level to being grand-prix winner.
This Square frame with a accent features patterns and a bridge in high position, which creates singular personality that usual one cannot. It is for those who hesitate use round lenses but like characteristic ones.
1 レンズ幅 | 54mm |
2 ブリッジ幅 | 20mm |
3 レンズの高さ | 36mm |
4 フロント最大幅 | 141mm |
5 テンプルの長さ | 150mm |