VAVA eyewear ヴァヴァ アイウェア
2013年にデビューしたドイツ発のブランド「VAVA eyewear」。産業革命後の工業都市やデトロイト・テクノと呼ばれる音楽、そして未来派やミニマリズムといった芸術思想からインスピレーションを受けており、シンプルながらも大胆で未来的なデザイン。
VAVA Eyewear is a brand from Germany that debuted in 2013.
Inspired by the industrial cities of the post-industrial revolution, the music called Detroit techno, and artistic ideas such as futurism and minimalism, the brand is characterized by simple yet bold and futuristic designs.
The brand has been nominated many times at the “silmod’or” eyewear festival, and is attracting attention from around the world.